Verbeterings voorstel

Ticket 3315  |   Verbeteringsvoorstel  |   Software versie  |  28-06-2018 12:59
Antwoorden: 2
In capitalization difference between Al(i) and Al(l)
28-06-2018 12:59
Unnessecary mistakes are made due to that it is impossible to see the difference between the capital letter " i " and the small letter " l " in lesson 6,
capitalization. Sometimes the word "ai" and other times the word "al" is asked.
28-06-2018 13:08
Thank you for your message. You can change the font of the ticker in your settings. Choose for example "Courier New" and you will see a difference between these characters.

All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team
28-06-2018 13:55
Het ticket was al als "gesloten" gemarkeerd.