Fout omschrijving en oplossing
Ticket 5588 | Fout | Online versie | 15-08-2023 13:51
Antwoorden: 1
Les loopt vast
In behandeling
15-08-2023 13:51
Bij de les gG' heb ik een probleem. De les geeft aan dat je ' krijgt door op shift en dan 0 te klikken. Dit is echter niet het geval. Bij mijn computer is het de bedoeling dat je twee keer op ´ drukt om hem te krijgen. Hierdoor krijg ik hem niet getypt in de les en blijft die het dus registreren als fout, waardoor ik niet verder kan.
25-08-2023 13:11
Bedankt voor uw aanvraag. Probeer het volgende: Schakel in de instellingen over naar de toetsenbordindeling "Nederland | Internationaal". U krijgt dan de juiste sleutel te zien (de sleutel links van de Enter-toets).
Het teken is een echte aanhalingsteken, de toetscombinatie die u noemde is een ander teken.
Hartelijke groeten
Uw Tipp10-team
Het teken is een echte aanhalingsteken, de toetscombinatie die u noemde is een ander teken.
Hartelijke groeten
Uw Tipp10-team
Link zu diesem Ticket: https://www.tipp10.com/nl/support/bugs/0/5588/
Ticket 5440 | Fout | School version | 04-03-2023 11:03
Antwoorden: 3
'Taken' / 'Aufgaben' nicht anwesend
In behandeling
04-03-2023 11:03
Neue Reiter 'Taken' nicht anwesend.
The pupils can't see the Reiter 'Taken'!
Monday we have the examination. Needs to be solved immediately!
Pls respond ASAP.
Rienk Talsma
The Type Factory
The pupils can't see the Reiter 'Taken'!
Monday we have the examination. Needs to be solved immediately!
Pls respond ASAP.
Rienk Talsma
The Type Factory
04-03-2023 14:24
Tausend Dank für den Hinweis, sowas ärgerliches. Entschuldigen Sie vielmals die Umstände!
Der Navigationspunkt ist jetzt verfügbar.
Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin
Ihr Tipp10-Team
Der Navigationspunkt ist jetzt verfügbar.
Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin
Ihr Tipp10-Team
04-03-2023 15:49
Thanks for the fast solving. For an IT solutions company you first should test all the parts before introduction. And you do this better during the week then in the weekend. I was glad I could reach you, I wasn't sure about that.
The pupils now can't see the exercitions I gave them before the upgrade.
I gave them the same exercitions today again. I can see what they have done but they can't. They lost all there exercitions. (made or not made).
But I am finished right now. You can close this ticket.
Rienk Talsma
The Type Factory.
Thanks for the fast solving. For an IT solutions company you first should test all the parts before introduction. And you do this better during the week then in the weekend. I was glad I could reach you, I wasn't sure about that.
The pupils now can't see the exercitions I gave them before the upgrade.
I gave them the same exercitions today again. I can see what they have done but they can't. They lost all there exercitions. (made or not made).
But I am finished right now. You can close this ticket.
Rienk Talsma
The Type Factory.
04-03-2023 18:10
Dear Rienk,
Thank you for your reply. Of course you're right, we have to test everything before and after updates. And we do! But this time it was a stupid mistake. In addition to our development area we activated the new tasks also for our test platform before we went to production system with our update. That was the reason why we didn't recognize the bug after publishing.
Are you really sure you lost assigned tasks after the update? We didn't change anything at the database!
Can you please give us more details and an example for a missing task, that only you can see but not the student?
Thank you very much for your support!
All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team
Thank you for your reply. Of course you're right, we have to test everything before and after updates. And we do! But this time it was a stupid mistake. In addition to our development area we activated the new tasks also for our test platform before we went to production system with our update. That was the reason why we didn't recognize the bug after publishing.
Are you really sure you lost assigned tasks after the update? We didn't change anything at the database!
Can you please give us more details and an example for a missing task, that only you can see but not the student?
Thank you very much for your support!
All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team
Link zu diesem Ticket: https://www.tipp10.com/nl/support/bugs/0/5440/
Ticket 5324 | Fout | School version | 27-11-2022 23:47
Antwoorden: 1
In behandeling
27-11-2022 23:47
Die Anzahl der Zuweising einer Übung bleibt bei 5, obwohl die Übersicht leer ist.
28-11-2022 09:00
Danke für Ihre Anfrage. Um welche Übung geht es denn genau?
Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin
Ihr Tipp10-Team
Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin
Ihr Tipp10-Team
Link zu diesem Ticket: https://www.tipp10.com/nl/support/bugs/0/5324/
Ticket 3671 | Fout | School version | 23-04-2019 09:24
Antwoorden: 1
not showing a character ¨ or ^
In behandeling
23-04-2019 09:24
Hello, when i add a text and there is a charachter on the e (for example ë or ê), then the program won't let you typ this ¨ when you're making the excercise.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
Thank you for the reply.
Greetings, Ellen.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
Thank you for the reply.
Greetings, Ellen.
03-05-2019 23:04
Hi Ellen,
If a character is not in our definitions of the keyboard layout, then the character will be removed from text while training.
Can you explain us what is your way to type these characters? Do you need to press one key and after then another key before the character is ready written? Such characters are still a problem for our system but perhaps we can include them in the Belgique keyboard layout.
All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team
If a character is not in our definitions of the keyboard layout, then the character will be removed from text while training.
Can you explain us what is your way to type these characters? Do you need to press one key and after then another key before the character is ready written? Such characters are still a problem for our system but perhaps we can include them in the Belgique keyboard layout.
All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team
Link zu diesem Ticket: https://www.tipp10.com/nl/support/bugs/0/3671/
Ticket 2416 | Fout | SCORM versie | 31-03-2015 13:36
Antwoorden: 1
Tote Tasten schaffen es nicht gut.
31-03-2015 13:36
Die folgende Caracters funktionieren nicht gut:
` ' " ~ ^
Man muss immer zweimal diese Tasten eindrücken, sonst schaft dass Programm nichts.
Damit bekammt mann mehrere Fehler und mann lernt nicht richtig Tippen.
Rienk Talsma
` ' " ~ ^
Man muss immer zweimal diese Tasten eindrücken, sonst schaft dass Programm nichts.
Damit bekammt mann mehrere Fehler und mann lernt nicht richtig Tippen.
Rienk Talsma
01-04-2015 12:52
Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.
Wir wissen von dem Problem. Da allerdings tiefgreifende Änderungen in der Software von Nöten sind, wird das ganze noch eine Weile dauern. Derzeit wird nur das eingegebene Zeichen erkannt, nicht der Tastendruck.
Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin
Ihr Tipp10-Team
Wir wissen von dem Problem. Da allerdings tiefgreifende Änderungen in der Software von Nöten sind, wird das ganze noch eine Weile dauern. Derzeit wird nur das eingegebene Zeichen erkannt, nicht der Tastendruck.
Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin
Ihr Tipp10-Team
Link zu diesem Ticket: https://www.tipp10.com/nl/support/bugs/0/2416/