Suggestions for improvement

Ticket 5247  |   Suggestion for improvement  |   Online version  |  2022-09-26 7:46 pm
Answers: 1
I learned to use left shift before I've met this site, then I suddenly I was forced to right shift too.
In progress
2022-09-26 7:46 pm
I wanted to improve my speed when it comes to fluently typing, since I am to slow for my own taste. I am able to type blindly with all ten fingers but I've never used right shift before hand. And it's quite annoying to use right shift if you've never used it. This has me slowed down more than anything. I would like it if you added a feature in which you don't have to use a specific shift and instead to be able to use both shift buttons.
2022-09-27 11:17 am
Thanks for your message. Go to "Settings" and under "Results" set the dropdown "Shift keys" to "Count incorrect shift keys not as errors".

All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team