Suggestions for improvement

Ticket 2246  |   Suggestion for improvement  |   Online version  |  2014-09-16 11:30 pm
Answers: 1
current letter highlight
2014-09-16 11:30 pm
The current letter to be typed is highlighted in a dark/medium gray and it it's hard to "see-through" the color to see what letter it is very clearly. For example, it's a bit difficult to see whether it's a capital "i" or lowercase "j".

Perhaps lighten the highlight, or use an underline, or blinking underline/cursor or dot below the letter to be typed. I think that would make such a difference. Thanks.
2014-12-02 10:43 am
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will check it and if applicable we will adopt it to the next software release.

All the best from Berlin,
Your Tipp10 Team