Tipp10 costs you nothing, is free of advertising and free of tracking. We put a lot of work in Tipp10 and cover running costs like servers, SSL certificates, translations and much more. Because we would like to keep Tipp10 advertising-free we try to finance Tipp10 from donations.
By supporting us with a donation you enable less-financially solvent users (especially schoolchildren) to use our ten-finger touch typing system Tipp10 for free. You can donate via PayPal, credit card or bank transfer.
Thank you very much!
By supporting us with a donation you enable less-financially solvent users (especially schoolchildren) to use our ten-finger touch typing system Tipp10 for free. You can donate via PayPal, credit card or bank transfer.
Thank you very much!
PayPal donation:
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Donations by bank transfer (to Germany):
Tom Thielicke
IBAN: DE29760501010009001306
Please state "Tipp10" as reason for payment and optionally provide your e-mail address.
IBAN: DE29760501010009001306
Please state "Tipp10" as reason for payment and optionally provide your e-mail address.
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